A Year in Review
January started with attending a two week language training course in Palmer Lake CO. We would get into groups and try out the language theory that we learned in class. We had a language helper who helped us learn mandarin (Chinese). I attended this training to help me learn Lugandan, I’ve been here 9 months and I know how to say where I am going and ask where people are.

February – Dorothy and Mike came to visit for about a week and we kept busy. We went to the butterfly pavilion lots of cool critters there. We also went up to the mountains to go sledding in Silverthorne. We went to Dads place and the weather was so nice we decided to go on a hike. It was a beautiful sunny Colorado day. Mikey lucked out this year and got to celebrate his birthday four times (twice in Colorado, twice in MI).
October – Birthday Month. My roommate Kristine and I both have birthdays in October so we had a party to celebrate. This snap is of Kristine, Monika and Me.

November – Is rainy season so that means grasshoppers! Yes, a Ugandan delicacy is eating grasshoppers so I decided to try some. They are not to bad, a little fishy tasting actually they are very oily so I can't eat to many of them at one time. They collect them , pull off their wings and legs then just cook them up. They don't have to add any oil because they just fry in their own oils.

February – Dorothy and Mike came to visit for about a week and we kept busy. We went to the butterfly pavilion lots of cool critters there. We also went up to the mountains to go sledding in Silverthorne. We went to Dads place and the weather was so nice we decided to go on a hike. It was a beautiful sunny Colorado day. Mikey lucked out this year and got to celebrate his birthday four times (twice in Colorado, twice in MI).
April – Who would have thought I would be in a 5K race the first month I was in Uganda? It was a fundraiser the international school does every year and this year the profits went to Mirembe House & Wakisa ministries.

I also had Easter Dinner with a Ugandan Family, one of the G21 volunteers (pictured right).
May – getting to know the girls, and starfish gathering 
June – We got a flat tire on the way to Lira, had to wait on the side of the road for three hours and by then it was to late to continue especially without a spare tire!
July – We hosted a mission team of 40 people from Colorado, but I’m not posting those pictures, to many to choose from!
It was great but I was physically and emotionally exhausted!

August – did some home visits to check on how some of our girls were doing. This is a picture of some of the kids outside the girls home. Very common to get a crown of kids around you as you are walking in the village area.

June – We got a flat tire on the way to Lira, had to wait on the side of the road for three hours and by then it was to late to continue especially without a spare tire!
July – We hosted a mission team of 40 people from Colorado, but I’m not posting those pictures, to many to choose from!
It was great but I was physically and emotionally exhausted!

August – did some home visits to check on how some of our girls were doing. This is a picture of some of the kids outside the girls home. Very common to get a crown of kids around you as you are walking in the village area.
September – All the staff went up to prayer mountain for a day
of fasting and prayers. Prayer mountain is just that, at the top of this mountain it is an area where people come to pray. So the first tuesday of the month we spend the day up there in prayer.

December – End of the Year Appreciation Party. We decided to thank all of our volunteers for their year of service. These were some amazing kids that served God this year, they will be hard to replace.