Sorry! It has been forever since I updated this thing. I am surprised that it still let me log on! My excuses... well it is hard enough to just catch up on my emails while I am at the cafe much less update this thing. Plus the last time I looked at it I couldn't find the last pictures that I uploaded, then couldn't figure out where the heck they put the pictures I uploaded. Considering it takes 4 ever to upload pictures I just got frustrated and quit and never published my last post.
So lets see if I can upload a picture here.....
Yeah It worked! Last time I bet blogger was having problems. So this is Paul trying to eat some of the beef we roasted. Yes, we had a bull roast! The Anglican Archbishop actually gave us a bull cow to roast. So I am thinking pig roast... not quite. After killing the cow, they cut it up in pieces put it on these long sticks and roast it over an open fire. Lets just say it could have used some marinade.
Here I am being cute while I try to eat this roasted beef. It really was tasty. I was in Masaka which is 100Km/62miles/2 hours from Kampala attending a sports camp that was put on my some ministry partners called Chrisc (Christians in Sports Contact). They have people all around Uganda reaching kids for Christ through sports. They invite us to do the praise and worship times, and we get to participate in the camp. It was fun. I learned Ultimate Frisbee which I never had a chance to learn before. Who would have thunk that I would learn that here in Uganda?

Somalie and I are being a bit sassy. Somalie is a G21 (Generation21) praise team volunteer. She sings and dances for us. She has a great fun loving attitute. All the girls were dressed alike in our Orange Ministry Tees and black skirts. We just got back from church services.

Here we are enjoying tea. One thing they did here was feed us well. We had tea, boiled egg, bread and banana's for breakfast. For lunch was matoki, rice, meat, sometimes posho, beans and watermelon. Dinner was pretty much the same, it was the meat that varied; chicken, beef or fish. At 4pm we would have afternoon tea with simosa's or fruit or something. I swear I gained 5 lbs! Still working on losing that weight here. Don't want my pants to get any tighter!!!
Alright. That is all for now. More updates later. This was pretty easy. Not like last time!
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