Sunday, November 12, 2006

I didn't want the last post to stay up to long because I am not there anymore. It is hard to put in words but I feel that I learned so much this past week.

I learn that prayer isn't shallow.

I learn that there is hope.

I've learned that my heart can grow bigger and more compassionate, that it is ok not to guard it so much.

Back to prayer, I've learned I couldn't have gotten through last wednesday without it. Prayer gave me peace in a time that wasn't peaceful. Through prayer I was able cry to God and share my frustrations and even learn a few things about myself. I learned that I can give more. I was stretched past the breaking point, and when that happens you just can't go back to the same place that you were before. You are different, better. Instead of closing down, and hardening my heart, through prayer my heart can expand and grow. Prayer is priceless.

Also, there was one great thing I forgot to mention that day. Hadija's aunt, who brought her to the center and has supported her but because her baby was a product of incest, could not support the baby. But she saw how God has worked in Hadija's life through out this year and due to that, had decided to accept christ as her saviour!

An update on Angel... turns out that an aunt of the father of her baby is willing to take her in. She is actually willing to go to Kisoro and get her and bring her back! Praise God for this woman who is willing to help.

God will make a way... when there seems to be no way.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Today was a tough day emotionally. I feel the need to get it all out, so why not blog the day, like a diary, I guess.

I've been more tired these past few days not sure why, so this morning since I didn't have anything pressing in the morning at the office a slept in a bit. It is November, the rainy season and all this week I have woken to rain and today was no exception.

Hmm.. maybe the reason I have been so tired and emotionally blah is because of all the rain.
I've gotten so used to the sunny days here!

Anyways, I end up getting ready and I felt the need to have some extra quiet time. I just felt God was speaking to me and I wasn't going to rush it. Plus I knew that traffic was going to be horrible because some of the roads near the university were going to be closed. Long story short: teachers are stiking, kids are upset so they are rioting, tear gas, riot police, arrests etc. I guess this happens almost yearly. This is only a half mile from the office so all the traffic is being diverted through where our offices are. So I would rather have a long quiet time than spending that time in a traffic jam.

So finally, I am ready for the day and to face the traffic! I made it through the jam to arrive at the office where I find one of the girls Hadija and her son Chisache leaving. They have been at our center for about a year now and we finally found a home for her and her son. It is so hard to say goodbye, I might not ever see her again. In her few years of life she has had such hardships and now she is moving on to the next place that God has for her. She is probably one of the bravest girls I know. I hope I get to say that to her one day. So I cry a bit, more like I try not to cry (showing emotions here is just not the thing to do).

Later, I am asked if I can help take Katie home today that she should be coming back from the hospital and we want to immediately take her home. Usually we don't do that but this was a special case. Katie had been at Mulago Hospital (the state hospital) since last week. She went into labor but it wasn't progressing very well. After a few days they found out that the baby had died. This is after spending a few days in the hospital, alone with no one to help her or to console her. The talk about a c-section but decide to induce. Here, when they induce they don't give you any pain killers to go with the patosin so she has a very hard and painful delivery. On Tuesday she delivered a baby boy, still alone. We tried to contact a relative to be with her but no one came. So today she is released from the hospital and comes to the Mirembe House which is full of pregnant girls and a two babies. I can tell that she is in shock. Such a difference from the girl I remember. She was always so happy, such a big beautiful smile.

So we took her to a relative, I could see that what she needs is to be around family to heal both emotionally and physically. I finally saw a few smiles as she greeted her family. I cried, or tried not to!

Pray for Katie... Pray for Hadija... Pray for all the girls at the center.

To finish the day I talked to Angel, a girl that we sent to her grandparents because her parents have refused to take her in. Unfortunately things are really bad in the village. She isn't eating enough to be able to feed her daughter who was born pre-maturely (6 weeks). So the baby is in danger. The grandparents want her to go back to kampala, but no one here in kampala will take her unless she gives up her baby. And she doesn't want to give up her baby. So what do we do? How can we help her? Is there another organization here in Kampala that can help? I don't know.


It seems so little to offer someone.

I will pray for you...

No, I need food. I need a place to lay my head. I've been rejected by family and friends. I have no where to go.

Does Jesus understand this? Where is God?